
The best interviews happen when you prepare well. Be ready to articulate your skills and qualifications that make you a great candidate for the position.

Drop-in Resume and Cover Letter Reviews

In-Person Drop-Ins

For an in-person resume or cover letter review, visit 32 McNeal Hall Monday-Thursday from 9am-4pm, no appointment necessary. If these days don't work with your schedule, please use our virtual or email review options below.

Summer Drop-In Hours

We are open Monday-Thursday from 9am-12pm in 32 McNeal Hall from May 14 - August 15.

Email Reviews

Email your resume or cover letter anytime to [email protected] and we will provide feedback within 24 hours, Monday-Friday 9am-4pm.


A resume is a one page document that highlights your most relevant experiences, skills and strengths to an employer.  It is an effective and efficient way to tell your story and highlight your unique qualifications for that position and employer. For detailed information about how to write a resume, check out our Resume Writing Handout (PDF).



Student Talking with Professional

Networking is the best strategy to finding a job or internship, yet it is a concept that often sounds intimidating.

Cover Letters

A cover letter is a 1-page document that introduces you and your top 2-3 skills or qualifications to the employer for the specific job you are applying to. In each letter you will directly connect your past experience and transferable skills to the position with concrete, specific examples that are a more narrative description of your key experiences or skills, than on your resume.