Post a Job/Internship

Post a Job/Internship


The University of Minnesota career offices use Handshake, an online jobs database where employers can post jobs and search resumes of st

Internship Information Documents

Experiential Information Documents

The following documents detail specific requirements for your major related to finding an position/internship, completing your experiential agreement, and registering position/internship for courses or credits. For assistance writing your learning goals, consult our Experiential Agreement Guide (PDF).

Preparing for Career Fairs & Events

Preparing for Career Fairs & Events

Career Fair

Career fairs and networking events are an excellent way to explore organizations and opportunities, gain experience networking in professional settings, and connect with recruiters hiring f

CFANS Unpaid Internship Grant

CFANS Unpaid Internship Grant

Students on Northrop Plaza Lawn

The CFANS Unpaid Internship Grant is a competitive grant designed to assist undergraduate students to enhance their academic experience through meaningful intern